Now up on Jenny Mag!
This week, it's back to my pals at Jenny for some woo, except I'm serious as fuck about this: tarot readings. Seems like everyone is pulling cards these days.
Y’all know how much I adore those Jennys at the eponymously named magazine and this week, I’m writing about my not-so-new tarot practice, and why I think so many of us have taken to pulling cards for not just fun and games.
Next week, it’s #thedatingchronicles2024 — I said “yes” to nine (yup, 9, what a slut) newbies and I’ll be sharing the good, the bad, and the ugly with you. The sneak peek? It’s hardly ugly — in fact, because I’ve tweaked my dating picker a bit since last venturing forth, I’m exceptionally pleased with the dates I’ve had so far, all men, all of whom I met IRL or online.
(“Tweaked my dating picker” sounds filthy, doesn’t it?)
If you’ve been thinking about dating anew or you’re sick of the way you’ve been dating, I’ll have some advice to offer, definitely an amusing story or two, and maybe a few surprises to spring on you. One thing I’ll say in advance of my post — online has radically changed (at least, it has for me) since I last took a look around. I’ll tell you why next week. IRL is still, well, IRL, but wait till I tell you why I didn’t give my number to someone I met out last week, who is “just my type.”
In the meantime, this morning’s tarot pull literally made me gasp, so I hope you dig what I wrote for Jenny and be sure to follow them on IG for lots of super great content!
(^^^Photo: One of my morning tarot pulls, which is best enjoyed over coffee and under the watchful gaze of The Fool tarot card, an original art collage from Maya Land, who I love, love, love, and who I hope will make a deck of her versions of the cards very soon.)