Hey, Kids! Check me out in Jenny Magazine!
Sprinkled a little Abbe over at Jenny this week. The latest in my ongoing sex tips for girls* (*girls who are holding on to mid-life by a thread). An odyssey for Young Olds, AKA, people with readers.
So it’s no secret that I’m having a very, very, very good time, and the journalist in me missed reading my byline. I decided to reach out to a select group of media and see if anyone else wanted to give me some room to spill the tea, as it were. SUPER EXCITED about newbie Jenny Magazine, especially its founders, and its pedigree!
Today, my first piece is running so I’m pushing back my own content for a few days to highlight this assignment, which, as you can imagine, kinda wrote itself.
The J-schooler in me loves that I’m the opening article on the Jenny home page today (in newspaper jargon, that was termed “above the fold” back in the day) so, head over there and take a read, and enjoy the rest of the saucy, sassy content. It’s a bullshit-free, delicious look at beauty, style, culture, entertainment, relationships, health & wellness for women who think perfection is booooooo-ring. Jenny Girl all the way!